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Which camera for science stuff


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I have been a visual only observer for a while now and I've recently been getting into visually measuring double stars and variable stars and have really been enjoying it. However I have realised it would be nice to be able to capture images of doubles and variables partly as a record and partly as it is (I guess) possible to be more accurate and consistent in measuring and it is possible to go deeper. On this last point, being able to spot things like supernovae that are beyond visual would be nice. I'm also interested in getting into analyzing star spectra.

My only other criteria would be that an ability to transmit data without wires would be good if possible and it would need to be relatively affordable camera (say £200-£350 either new or second hand)? I can say I am not interested in taking long exposures or doing  anything hugely technically challenging, I'm also not looking to get into taking photos that are nice to look at, it's more the science side I am interested in.

I would be using it mostly on scopes on my EQ5 (with RA tracking) and sometimes on my dobsonian on an EQ mount.

Is there anything out there that would fit the bill?


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I can only really talk about spectroscopy..... a cooled mono camera is the way to go. Many of us still use the older ATiK314L which has proven to be a solid performer. You may be able to pick up a s/h unit??

For variable star and photometry - again a cooled mono (but there are people getting acceptable results with a DSLR!! - Check out the AAVSO site) I've used AstroArt for the occasional photometric exercise.


Not sure what you're looking for Re transmitting data - most CCD cameras need the support of a computer and USB connections.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies, I am starting to think dslrs woukd suit me best as they don't need leads or computers attached while I'm in the field  and they have a screen you can look at directly in the field, which would keep things simple. 

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