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Hello everyone!! i thought i would share a documentary which is one episode of a 40 year long incredible series from NOVA, i am sure many of you may know of PBS stations "NOVA" series.

i have practically been weened on NOVA since i was a wee lad ( just had to say that cause it sounds funny) as long as my memory reaches back NOVA has been a part of my life. 

NOVA has been producing documentaries of just exquisite quality, this one, titles Ancient Computer follows the scientific unravelling of one of histories biggest technological conundrums.

It shows, just how brilliant the ancients were, at mapping and understanding celestial bodies, every amateur astronomer would greatly enjoy this! 

for the first 3.5 min the sound is a tad muffled but then opens up clearly.


Edited by Sunshine
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Thanks for posting this very fascinating programme. Now we know the ancient Greeks could make delicately meshing teeth and intricate mechanisms how much better would they have built a bespoke CG-5 mount, no backlash I dare say :-) I do like the idea of making ones own gear wheels.

Best regards,

Edited by SteveNickolls
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Yes no problem! It’s a fantastic documentary, one of my fav’s from NOVA which like I said in my post, NOVA, has been religion for me for 30 of my 42 years alive so far haha. 

The sheer staggering genius behind this device to quote one of the researchers “rewrites technology textbooks” I’ve watched a panel interview on YouTube with several historians and some agree this discovery is like finding a combustion engine in the pyramids lol.

Edited by Sunshine
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi Sunshine,

I know this is an old old topic but i was fascinated by the documentary, extremely interesting for an archaeoastronomer, so had to thank you for posting it!

I only go back to the start of the Julian Calendar on 1st January 0045 BC, before that is difficult, i'm not sure that the Moon's orbit is true to ages, which can effect spin of the Earth.....i'm out in no man's land if i go back to 28th May 0585 BC, at 18:32 PM with an adjusted Julian Calendar, what i'm doing now is dubious, i'm aware of Delta T, so take the picture below, being 28th May 0585 BC as dubious!!!.
Weather is not reported, I cant know how dark is was behind a storm cloud with a partial Eclipse, and what we don't know regarding the spin of the Earth, but is fascinating how it stopped a battle over two and a half thousand years ago regarding an eclipse, however regarding the orbit of the Moon effecting the spin of the Earth not being constant is a factor to location.
It is still a fascinating subject, i can't be sure of location but i have done my best, regarding information over 2,500 years old!
Astronomy picture below.

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15 hours ago, Archaeoastronomer said:

Hi Sunshine,

I know this is an old old topic but i was fascinated by the documentary, extremely interesting for an archaeoastronomer, so had to thank you for posting it!

I only go back to the start of the Julian Calendar on 1st January 0045 BC, before that is difficult, i'm not sure that the Moon's orbit is true to ages, which can effect spin of the Earth.....i'm out in no man's land if i go back to 28th May 0585 BC, at 18:32 PM with an adjusted Julian Calendar, what i'm doing now is dubious, i'm aware of Delta T, so take the picture below, being 28th May 0585 BC as dubious!!!.
Weather is not reported, I cant know how dark is was behind a storm cloud with a partial Eclipse, and what we don't know regarding the spin of the Earth, but is fascinating how it stopped a battle over two and a half thousand years ago regarding an eclipse, however regarding the orbit of the Moon effecting the spin of the Earth not being constant is a factor to location.
It is still a fascinating subject, i can't be sure of location but i have done my best, regarding information over 2,500 years old!
Astronomy picture below.


Thanks for the links, very informative and, i must admit, archaeoastronomer sounds so fascinating. I'm glad you found the documentary fascinating, NOVA is my most beloved series as i have been watching episodes since 

i was a child. This one about the Antikythera Mechanism was one of my all time fav episodes. The dvd is available on Amazon, i have it, many other NOVA episodes also are on DVD.

Edited by Sunshine
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