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Photographing the ISS


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I have a 5 inch newt that is 650mm fl and 1300mm with a 2x barlow that I have. I was wondering, would this be enough focal length to be able to see detail of the ISS? I tend to see videos where people have got very decent images but theirs tends to be around 3000mm focal length, of which there is no way my telescope is capable of doing that. Also, is it better to video with a high frame rate or take images, and if so, what settings should I be using? I have a dslr and a zwo asi 120mc.




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55 minutes ago, Freddie said:

1300mm should give you something decent. High frame rate cam is a must as it is not easy to track and you'll do well to get very many frames with the ISS on the chip.

What framerate would you recommend? 60 or something a little higher?

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I try and work out where it will pass close to a bright star using Stellarium and then lie in wait for it watching in the finder scope then start high speed continuous shooting as it approaches.

Works about one time in three :grin:

Try focusing and getting settings right on Sirius or other bright star, use the fastest shutter speed you can and compensate with ISO.

Good luck.


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