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The Moon 01-02-18


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I like your pic.  It's a good one.  I downloaded your file to check the size.  2.5mb.

I think I must have an issue then maybe.  When I shoot RAW, my raw files come out at about 9.5 mb.  So I use Rawtherape to convert them to jpeg.  After this the size is about 7.5mb per JPEG.  When I try to process those, registax can't handle it.  So I crop each image which then reduces the file size to around 160kb per jpeg.  Then registax runs through them ok.  Just seems that my files sizes are a bit small.


Just wandering what you guys do.  Do you shoot video and then let registax process them.


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I had a peak at your first image Warleb and it's awesome considering it was taken with a 300mm lens, as others have said in your thread, it's your processing that's letting you down just a tiny bit.

So my thoughts in the quote and a suggested process below :)

1 hour ago, Warleb said:

I like your pic.  It's a good one. Thank you  I downloaded your file to check the size.  2.5mb. Don't focus on the size of the data too much, doesn't matter.

I think I must have an issue then maybe.  When I shoot RAW, my raw files come out at about 9.5 mb.  So I use Rawtherape to convert them to jpeg. Don't do this, you're discarding data when you do. Think of it this way (wild inaccuracies here I know, but it's more of an analogy) - raw captures many 'shades', that's why you can 'pull back' an over exposed photograph or 'stretch' an underexposed photograph. When you convert to jpeg you're throwing away all the shades and that gives you zero flexibility for contrast adjustments.

After this the size is about 7.5mb per JPEG.  When I try to process those, registax can't handle it.  It's not so much the size/mbs Regi can't handle, it's the black space. It'll stack 20mb subs with little or no black space yet I've had 1mb subs with the black not cropped out hang it.

So I crop each image which then reduces the file size to around 160kb per jpeg.  Then registax runs through them ok.  Just seems that my files sizes are a bit small. Your size is ok, but see above.

Just wandering what you guys do.  Do you shoot video and then let registax process them. I shoot video for closeups with barrows but not for full disk. It's a trade off and with closeups pushing it beyond safe magnification limits with my small aperture shooting stills doesn't work because I need thousands rather than hundreds of frames and the reduced light transmission means low shutter speeds for stills so the subs aren't sharp (I don't have a tracking mount so the moon is drifting through the field)


Capture more subs

Try using Pipp (Planetary Image Preprocessor) to crop your subs, it outputs to a SER file which retains all that data - https://sites.google.com/site/astropipp/

Try Using Autostakkert to stack, it seems to be more reliable (I do use Registax though) See which you prefer and stick with it. http://www.autostakkert.com

After stacking run it through your preferred post processor to sharpen and adjust levels/contrast. When your sharpening be mindful of the noise (speckling). Zoom to 200% and sharpen until you get noise, then back it off to just below that noise point.


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