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A Good Starter DSLR?


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since i suck at spelling and grammer i just went and made a video talking about a few DSLRs im looking at and wanting to know witch one would be a better choose or if there anything better i could get within a $350 max. im looking at a Nikon D3400, Canon EOS Rebel T6 or a Canon EOS Rebel T3. also note i do not have a Motorized Tripod. plz watch the video before commenting


heres r those two pic i was talking about in the video. they were taken by my Canon SX620 HS one at 3sec and the other at 15sec. just like i said in the video i dont have a Motorized Tripod




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I don't think you have exhausted what you can do with the camera you already own.

You could use your camera to take afocal pictures with your telescope.

You could use your camera to take star trail pictures.

You could use your camera to take photos of the sky.

Using a variety of free software you could process those images.

You could get an inexpensive webcam to take photos of the Moon and Jupiter using your telescope.

Why do you need a DSLR.

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u didnt really answer my ?... if u watched the video at all it would tell u why i want a DSLR not just for astrophotography but only stuff like youtube videos (most ppl use some type of DSLR) and to just take photots of my fish and other stuff. if u watched the video u would know i have some photography skills. as see with the pics i uploaded. 





now i know going in that i will be very limited on the photos i can take with my scope but i can still take pics. thats why im looking for a good "STARTER!" DSRL. cuz if i get a start DSLR and see what i can do i will want to expand upon it and get stuff like a motorized tripod. start learn those programs u guys use to take those pics with your scopes and so on, it has to start somewhere. for me it will be a good "STARTER" DSRL. then down they road i can get more stuff to help me out, now can u plz answer my ? r any of the DSLRs im looking at any good? or is there something else i could get thats $350 or less.


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I like your collection of cats a lot!

Posting a video - well it is pretty much impossible for me to watch it at work, and also I don't want to spend ten minutes of my time (no offence) watching it.

I would recommend any of the Canon entry level DSLRs.  I use a Canon Rebel XS to produce decent images with my telescope.   But it is the mount (motorised tripod) that contributes as much or more to the image that the camera itself.  If you get a Canon DSLR and a remote shutter cable you do some cool stuff as happy-kat says above.  Then as you get more confident with the camera, and upgrade to a motorised mount, this open a world of opportunity.

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