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Quick session


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Well at least eight weeks since I have been out with medical and then weather problems. Been having trouble with the mount with the Tal on think the saddle was not square, I wanted to try the 11 mm Televue plossl I got.

So made sure the mount was levelled polar aligned added weight and scope checked polar alignment again. Entered all details then did 2 star alignment with Betelgeuse and Dubne.

First off the clusters in Auriga M36, M37 and M38 all in FOV so was feeling confident over to NGC 457 bang on.

Having the 11 mm waiting thought I would have a look at the moon and this is where I had a blip as the handset said it was below the horizon no idea why. Rather than resetting I plodded on with some doubles 

Iota Cass easily split with the 15 mm BST.

Thought i would concentrate on one constellation so picked Gemini.

Mu Geminorum  ( SAO 0782 97) if I was in the right place nothing just a single bright star in FOV

Nu Geminorum  (SAO 0784 23) wide split yellow main star with a small reddish in the 2 o'clock position.

15 Geminorum  (SAO 0783 95) closer split but still very easy yellow main with red companion at 10 o'clock

20 Geminorum  (SAO 0957 95) Nice red/yellow star with white companion at 11 o`clock

Epsilon Geminorum (SAO 0786 82)  Bright yellow small companion at 7 o`clock

 Tried 38 Geminorum but must have wrote the SAO number down wrong.

Zeta Geminorum (SAO 0790 31) White main star small companion at 4 o`clock  but the moon was washing it out.

Delta Geminorum (SAO 0792 94) wide split white main star small red companion at 2 o`clock

Kappa Geminorum (SAO 0796 53) wide triple yellow main with a grey dot at 10 o`clock and a red dot at 1 o`clock.

to a few old favourites wanted to see the winter  Albireo  h3945 but it was too low behind houses.

Christmas tree cluster NGC 2264 lovely 

37 cluster NGC  2169.

last but not least "Hagrids Dragon" NGC 2301 not as good as I have seen it but the moon was washing everything out.

Well the mount and Tal performed brilliantly only hick up was the moon if anyone can tell me why it said below horizon but everything else was in the FOV before and after I tried it please do.

Final note I really like the 11 mm Televue plossl lovely contrast and pinpoint stars i did not think i would not having a lot of eye relief but it was brilliant great views, saving up now for some more. 

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1 hour ago, DeepSkyBagger said:

One thought - if you entered the date as 29/1/2017 instead of 29/1/2018, then the moon would show as below the horizon, but everything else would be fine, as you describe.

Thats it that is what I have done brilliant thanks.

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I would say the Televue has a lot more contrast and a bit sharper image especially when splitting close doubles the gap between the stars was more noticeable.  The BST`s are very good for the money I may sell the 12mm now though having the 11 mm plossl giving such good views.

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