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SkySafari 6 update


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I just noticed that in the latest update of SS6, they have given the facility to add the info and centre icons back onto the toolbar. I was a bit frustrated by having to go into another menu to access these so am pleased the change has been made, obviously after feedback from users.

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Agreed. I've had a few sessions with SS6 now. It seems to be a nice improvement for the most part. The scope display option seems to make it much easier to switch the circles for different eyepieces. I still find it a bit clunky for recording observations though. I only put down the first time I view an object in SS for a quick reference as to whether I've seen an object before or not. 

Love the new avatar btw :)

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I was one of those complaining about the missing Center button so I’m definitely glad it’s back! I also like that you can delete icons you never use (who “shares” star charts, anyway?). 

I was very impressed with SS6 before this update, now it’s close to perfect. It is rare to see companies that are this responsive to their customers!

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