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APO or H-Alpha

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Hey guys,

so here's the deal. I've been thinking about upgrading my gear and as a student I wanna do it on the budget. I know what scopes I want but the problem is that I can't decide which one to buy. I want either Barska Magnus which is a triplet or Coronado PST which is a solar scope. I know that these are as far apart as they can be. I do some astrophotography and I wanted to know what do you think is more insteresting whether regular imaging but with apochromatic telescope or solar imaging in H-Alpha. I do have 5 inch Mak and 102/600 refractor and I can already do some decent pictures but the chromatic abberation is still there even though I use filter that reduces it and I can only do sun using Baader Solar film so the sun is pretty boring :icon_biggrin:. What I'm asking is basically which one of these is better bang for a buck. 


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No simple answer, it all depends on what interests you.

One way out is to toss a coin heads APO tails H alpha. Don't go on the result but on your emotional reaction to it. If happy go with the result if disappointed go with the other.

Regards Andrew

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1 hour ago, john2y said:

What I'm asking is basically which one of these is better bang for a buck. 

APO, hands down. Hundreds of targets vs one!

Buuuuut, you can already do some imaging with the achro....add an Ha/narrow band filter(s) and you can get some pretty amazing results.

I think Andrew's right, go with your gut feeling.

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Being as you have scopes good enough for nightime work, a solar scope would give you added value. Theoretically the Sun is available every day and you don't lose any sleep over it!. No telescope or camera is going to show you ever changing activity on a star compared to a Ha solar telescope pointed at the Sun.  :icon_biggrin:

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