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Connect to stellarium telescope control

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It's been a couple of  months since I've tried to connect my Meade lxd55 to telescope control using Stellarium . I've been spending a ton of time trying to get Starry night SOE to connect and it's been a royal "PITA" to say the least. I need some guidance to get linked up , help ?

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10 hours ago, stepping beyond said:

It's been a couple of  months since I've tried to connect my Meade lxd55 to telescope control using Stellarium . I've been spending a ton of time trying to get Starry night SOE to connect and it's been a royal "PITA" to say the least. I need some guidance to get linked up , help ?

For this I will assume that you will be using a serial-usb adaptor to connect the laptop to the handset to the laptop.

1. Install and connect the usb-serial adaptor to the laptop and then go to device manager to find the comm port assigned to the adaptor. Always use the same usb port for the connection.

2. Open Stellarium and press f2 to open the tool box.

3. Go to the plug-ins tab and scroll down to telescope control and select. Select "load on start-up" and then press the configure button. If the configure button does not become active, close Stellarium and then reopen and return to the tool box and then the telescope control box. The configure button should now work.

4. Press the ADD button and select "Stellarium directly from serial port"

5. Scroll down to device settings and select the comm port assigned to the usb-serial adaptor.

6. Select AutoStar compatible as the device model and then press OK. 

7. Close Stellarium.

8. Set up the mount and connect the handset to the laptop and power up.

9. Open Stellarium and the mount should be connected to the mount. 

To slew the mount use the curser to select an open and press ctrl + 1 .

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I connected to Stellarium telescope control but , it doesn't go to the right target? What's up ?  I realigned several times and still not slewing to the right object and each alignment was right on the money in a 6mm and my asi174MM it was a smidgen off the center , which is alright by me. HELP ?

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