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First light on my TS65 quadruplet astrograph

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After a night of testing my field battery in my back garden I was lucky enough to have a second clear night for testing my recent purchase, the TS65 quadruplet astrograph.


Because of the full moon I went for the Double cluster in Perseus and I am very pleased with the result. Nice round stars across the field.

50x180sec ISO 400 


And because the night before, when I was testing out the field battery I went for the same target but with my 8" newtonian I thought why not try to stack the photos taken with the 8" newtonian on Friday with the photos taken with the TS65 astrograph taken on Saturday to see what happens.

The first photo is taken with the 8" newtonian and is made of 20x120sec ISO 400 with my canon 450d


And the second one is the stack of the photos taken with both my 8" newtonian and the TS65 astrograph with the same camera.


I didn't know I could do that but I'm happy I tried. DSS said it stacked 70 frames so that means it used all of them.


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