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Unexpected clear spell

Astro Imp

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Yesterday had been 100% cloud all day so I was surprised to look out about 19.00hrs to find a clear sky.

Got the kit out and started on the moon. Not the best phase for viewing IMO and last night I could only get wobbly views as it was right over my neighbour's central heating vent.

After a while decided to align the GOTO.

Stared looking at a few of the brighter clusters, double cluster, M103, the owl/ET, M52 and Caroline's Rose. All of these were washed out by the bright moon lit sky.

After giving up on clusters, should have known better really, I thought doubles were the order of the day.

As always looked at the double double, then went into Cygnus for 61Cyg, what a lovely orange, there was another wide double 17Cyg? then to eta Cas. One of my personal favourites is gamma Arietes, looks like two distant headlights, slewed over and looked in the EP, nothing, looked up and the whole sky was clouded out. 

Only a short session but nice to be out.

That makes three observing nights in the last week, something of a record for here ATM.

Hope you all managed some scope time.

Thanks for reading my rambles.


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