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H-Alpha 28.09 (+Frankenscope again)


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At long last, a clear morning... albeit with white scud clouds! :p
But rare that my "quality graphs" look quite as FLAT as this:


First the corresponding Full Disk:


I have now "finished" the Lunt50 / ST120 (86mm) Frankenscope! :)
To lighten the load (sic!), I made an ERF Cell which tilts by ~2 deg.
Note subtle use of Jubilee clip to make sure ERF doesn't fall out/off!


Still have to think about an appropriate image scale for the thing...
But this is the AR2682 Barlowed / Scaled to give Five times mag? ;) 


A bit rough and ready, but managed not to totally screw up the flats!
Quite a bit MORE data to play about with (at my leisure) anyway... :p 

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