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Wide field views

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I've started, about a year ago, with trying to get better Astrophotography results with my Eq5 C8 and Nikon D300. Every image I have is too close to the subject. Do I have the wrong telescope, and simply need something smaller, or are there techniques available that mean I can create a wider image from multiple shots? Any help on this would be much appreciated ?

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Yes and No... The C8 has a native focal length of 2000mm but can be reduced to 1280mm using a f6.3 focal reducer for wider shots.

I use a NexStar 8SE on a CGEM mount for astrophotography but I also use a 80mm f6.25 refractor for the very wide field shots.

In reality there is no one scope for every type of astro imaging and I find the 8" SCT to be good for close ups like for example planets, Horsehead nebula or pillars of creation. The 80 mm is great for large nebulae like the rosette for example.


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