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Binocular eyepiece choice.

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Now the proud owner of APM ED APO binoculars I am looking to buy a pair of 7mm and 11mm eyepieces at a reasonable price and quality. The review on the APM site showed 2 pairs of televue's at about £1000, NOOOO.

So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Budget about £400. 

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Kind of a surprse that no recommendations in 5 hours when asking an EP advice:confused1:

There's not many 11mm around, ES 82° has one, slightly over your budget(£100/each), 


FLO has 30-day trial policy, so you can try it first to see if it works for you, e.g. checking if you can take in the full 82° AFOV. Eye-relief of this EP is not suitable for observing with glasses, if you don't have astigmatism or only very mild astigmatism in yorus eye(s), 2mm exit pupil should be fine not using glasses.

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Part of the challenge with binoculars is their limited in travel to reach focus.  You need eyepieces with their focal plane as far down the barrel as possible.

Assuming that you can reach focus with a particular eyepiece, you need an eyepiece with a fairly narrow diameter so you can comfortably get your nose between them.  The Celestron Luminos 7mm, 10mm, and 15mm eyepieces can be used in BVs once they've been decloaked (had their outer housing removed) if you want cheap, ultrawide fields of view with decent eye relief and edge correction.  The BST Starguiders should also work well at 8mm and 12mm with their 60 degree AFOV for a lot less fuss.

The TV DeLites were specifically made for BVs to have uncompromising optics.  You've already splashed big cash on the binoculars, I would have thought you'd have budgeted for eyepiece sets to match it quality wise.  I know this sounds kind of harsh, but it seems kind of silly to buy 1000+ EUR binos only to put sub-$100 eyepieces in them.  An optical chain is only as good as its weakest link.

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At those  specific focal lengths and due to compact size I'd suggest used Nagler t6  if you can get them or possibly Delites although I found Delites a bit large for my Maxbrights.  In the interim you could buy TV  plossls  at 11mm  and 8mm  which are my choice with the maxbrights.  Do you wear glasses  to observe as this would obviously affect choices.

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