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Evostar 120 high power eyepiece limit


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I recently got an old evostar 120 refractor (blue with collimatable objective, but good optics). Tech details - 120mm ap. 1000mm focal length, f8.3. Ive done it up with a replacement skywatcher 10 1 focuser, and new 2inch diagonal and works well, even bolted down on an az4! Only have 2 eyepieces now, es 24mm 68 and a Myriad 9mm 100 degree. The 9mm gives me a mag of 111 and works well. I know from the last couple of years and different scopes that often around x110 seems to be a limit for visual here, though sometimes have been able to push beyond that. Pretty decent north devon skies for the edge of town, better out in the country. So a simple question really, anyone with experience of the evo 120 suggest what sort of mag its capable of (lunar, planetary, doubles etc). Or should i just stick to the 9mm for now?

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I have had an Evostar 120 although it was sometime back. I think rockystar is pretty much on the button with his figure as a useful, workable high power for the scope. You might squeeze a little more out of it on double stars or the Moon - say 200x on a good night ?



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Thanks all. Was tempted by the 5mm Myriad but that takes it to x200 and I thought that nay be the limit. Do have a neodymium filter in diagonal and a wratten #8 light yellow filter which can go on eyepiece, and combined these sort out ca and let mags go up. But think it's better to stick with the 9mm or take a chance and go slightly higher but using an eyepiece with less fov. Thank u.

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