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Walton Astro Group meet - pics


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On the back of Gavin's report, here are a few pictures of the night, taken by Bevil who kindly gave permission to post them here.

We meet in West End, near Esher on the green and observe whenever it is clear on our club nights i.e. Not often! :( 

Pic 1 from left to right


10" f6.3 Homemade Dob

TEC140 on T-Rex

Tak FC-100DC on Vixen GP

Pic 2

Meade 12" Ritchey-Chretien

Pic 3

Peter W viewing Jupiter through the TEC

Pic 4

Discussing the AstroTrac, and trying to sort eggy stars!

Pic 5

John enjoying Jupiter through his home built (by him!) decagonal 10" f6.3 dob

Pic 6

Gavster and Peter discussing the views through the TEC

Pic 7

The big RC cannon aligning itself

Pic 8 & 9

More TEC views...

Pic 10

Single frame of Jupiter through the Meade. Visually it was far better.

Pic 11 & 12

Single frames of a couple of clusters, at a guess M13 & M5 but not certain













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Nice collection of images.

Do you find your sessions turn into an outreach opportunity seeing as where you observe.

I find it interesting none of your members chose to sit at the eyepiece, is this because they don't bother bringing their stools/seats or through choice.

Thanks for posting.

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1 hour ago, Astro Imp said:

Nice collection of images.

Do you find your sessions turn into an outreach opportunity seeing as where you observe.

I find it interesting none of your members chose to sit at the eyepiece, is this because they don't bother bringing their stools/seats or through choice.

Thanks for posting.

Not often, but actually a couple came up to us on their way home from the Cricket Club. They said that lots of people in the club had been wondering what we were looking at. We showed them Jupiter through a couple of the scopes and they seemed interested. Perhaps we will get some more takers if we get some more regular better weather.

If you look closely at the first picture, I have my seat with me (far right of picture) but for the others I suspect it is more of a issue of not being bothered to bring them along. Not sure if Gavster uses an observing chair.

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19 hours ago, Stu said:


If you look closely at the first picture, I have my seat with me (far right of picture) but for the others I suspect it is more of a issue of not being bothered to bring them along. Not sure if Gavster uses an observing chair.

Good pics - thanks Bevil and Stu. I normally use a hydraulic observing chair but for the club nights I've found it easier to just set up for standing. I do find it more comfortable to view sitting!

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