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different exposures, being used to a osc its all new. I tried lat night taking some subs I done luminence at 60 secs and LRGB at 30 secs but 2x bin, only tonight when it came to processing that I realise I havnt a clue with different length exposures??? My darks are 30 secs long so do I just calibrate the LRGB and use different darks for LUM?. try as i might I could not get a colour image im obviously doing something wrong but what I dont know. In desperation I  went to Maxim and calibrated the LRGB there and also stacked all the images but it produced two images  one in colour and one LUM so no idea what to do there, anyway I saved the colour and messed about in PIX with it (quite pleased acctually ) but I still dont know how to merge them all especially at different exposure lengths.

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If the darks are not the same length, temperature and bin mode as the lights (ie the images you took) don't use them. They will do far more harm than good. In fact I'm far from convinced by darks even when they are taken correctly.

I would just quickly make a master bias for both bin1 and bin2 and use those as darks. Run a hot pixel filter as well at the stacking stage. Make and process your luminance image. Make and process your RGB (not LRGB) and then resize it to fit your luminance. Co-register it to the luminance and apply the luminance over it. (I use Photoshop layers with blend mode luminosity.)


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