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Baader 2.25 Barlow.


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Having decided some time ago I prefer to use individual EPs rather than barlows for higher powers, (and sold my Rev. 2.5x)  I now find that a barlow just might be useful to get the focal lengths I think I want or need. I have looked at the Baader 2.25x Classic Q which also has the 1.3x nose piece. I assume this is designed for use with Baader classic Orthos and plossls, but  is there any reason why it will not suit other 1.25" EPs? I believe its a pretty decent barlow.

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When I was testing the Baader Q-Turret range for this forum I tried the 2.25x barlow lens with some other brand eyepieces and it worked just fine in 2.25x mode. With that barlow you can unscrew the lens element and screw it directly into the barrel of eyepieces to give 1.3x. This can only be done with eyepieces that have enough clearance within their 1.25" barrels to fit the barlow lens assembly up inside and that rules out all eyepieces with lenses in the lower barrels (eg: SWA's, UWA's, long eye relief etc) and even some other brand plossls and orthos that have a field stop that gets in the way. So in their 1.3x mode the Q-Turret barlow works best with the Baader Q-Turret series eyepieces.

It's a pretty fine barlow lens despite it's simple exterior :icon_biggrin:

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Thanks John, I have a 10mm Classic  Ortho in the pipeline, so with the 1.3 nose piece I would have effectively a 7.7mm which is handy. It look like others though would work OK at 2.25 times. Mmm more food for thought. FLO are advertising a 3 element 2x Barlow in the Starguider range and I've not heard any reports about it, but the Starguiders are just about universally given good marks. Any thoughts?

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