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Jupiter First Light With GPCAM.


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Set Up - Skywatcher 127 MAC, GPCAM2 colour camera and using altair astro software to capture.

These photos are my "first light" with the GPCAM and quite pleased but looking to get better.

Any comments appreciated but I was interested in what is the bluish clouds on the opposite side to the red spot - I was out a couple of hours and it was definitely there and moving round with the red spot so I'm sure its not an error of my technique???

Did a wider shot to catch moons they are there but too faint ....more work for another day on that.

Any comments please.



Jup and Moons.jpg

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7 hours ago, Biglewey said:


... interested in what is the bluish clouds on the opposite side to the red spot - I was out a couple of hours and it was definitely there and moving round with the red spot so I'm sure its not an error of my technique???



To me they look like blue equatorial festoons. Nice shots.

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Eric, Captured video with Altair software in avi format. Processed with autostakkert (AS) with stock settings and tried settings for using best 25%, 50% and 75% frames but couldn't see much difference between them - quality must have been consistent across all frames?.  I used the option to sharpen in AS as produces 2 tif files, one as is and one sharpened. Just converted them to jpg with Photoshop Elements.  Tried a bit of improving but to be honest they came out pretty well as is (well for me that is).

As I'm new to this I used camera and camera plus focal reducer to make things easy - might stick on the barlow to get a bigger image next time.

I used AS software in default settings as again it worked well and fiddling around with what works well anyway seemed not worth it for my first try.

I also got some good moon shots and managed to catch M13 as my first DSO but an easy one to try out.

Actually, I'm surprised how well they came out as a  first attempt.

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