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Imaging Jupiter. Need advice

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30 minutes ago, Nova2000 said:


The local astronomy club has a Gso 10 inch astrograph. F4. 

We also have a ASI 290 for autoguiding. 

Will the 2work well on planets? 

And yes we also have a Gso 2x Barlow. 


Don't see any reason why not, although you might want to use a higher power barlow to get a larger image. This depends on the seeing conditions. Alternatively you could use an extension tube to increase the distance between the lens (barlow) and the sensor which also increases magnification.

if you increase the distance by the focal length of the barlow you get a 1x increase in magnification (2x-3x, 3x-4x etc). You can increase the magnification by using longer extension tubes but this does push the focus inwards, so you might find yourself running out of focus.

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53 minutes ago, Nova2000 said:


The local astronomy club has a Gso 10 inch astrograph. F4. 

We also have a ASI 290 for autoguiding. 

Will the 2work well on planets? 

And yes we also have a Gso 2x Barlow. 


ASI290 is fine but if its mono you need RGB filters for a colour image of course.

2x Barlow should be OK but you could push that  further with the 10" aperture - 5X powermate should work well. 

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