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Arrived in New Zealand


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Greetings from the other side of the world.

Arrived in Nelson a couple of days ago after 24 1/2 hours flying. Clear skies and sun. First night we arrived it was crisp and clear but I was too jet lagged to got out with the scope ( WO ZS66).

I woke up at 3-00 am and the sky was too good to resist. Put the Canon 350 D on the tripod and took a few shots of an upside down Orion. The site the house is on is (virtually) a dark site with no LP were Orion was.

I will post the image of Orion as soon as I can get my laptop connected to broadband so I can down load images. (I'm posting this message from an internet cafe).

I have been invited to a local AS in Nelson in 2 weeks and they are having a 'telescope workshop' night and I have a contact at the AS who wants to sell a Celestron EQ3. So I may be able to use the Canon for longer widefield shots and the QHY6 for closer shots. I've bought an Ha filter for the QHY6 and am looking forward to imaging 'down under'



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Hi John, glad to hear that you arrived ok, albeit 'jet lagged'. Its a long long flight :) . Our flights to Aus are long enough (18 hours), but I guess you can put another 5 hours or more on that for NZ.

Good to know that you have organised a visit to the local AS, and if you get the EQ3, you'll really be able to expand your imaging capability. Look forward to seeing some of the pics.

We head for Aus in October, and like you, will keep in touch with the forum.

Enjoy your stay, and hoefully some great clear skies.


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Greetings from the other side of the world.

... 8)


Greetings to you too :(

Did you take a picture of the upside down Orion?

Can we all join you there? :) How about a Stargazerlounge very own plane anywhere where there's a clear sky in the night (but it's not cold!)

I want some clear sky please, please, please..... :stars:

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