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Webcam imaging

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Ive been reading through the excellent tutorials here at SGL and would just like clarification of something. I have just bought a philips SPC900NC (or the old toucam with a facelift) and would like to make sure im looking at the correct adapter ring.

This is the one on FLO: http://www.firstlightoptics.com/proddetail.php?prod=ae1.25inchadapter

Is this what I should be getting? Also I would like to wait a bit to buy the IR filter (mainly because i keep spending money :hello2: ), will I be able to get good photos without it?



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No thats not the right adapter Alex, I don't think Steve sells them. Give me a moment and I'll find a link to one.

You can do OK without the IR-cut filter when starting out, it only makes a small improvement on the best images IMHO.

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If you're on a budget, you can just grab yourself a 35mm film case, and cut the bottom off it, before taping it to your web cam (with normal lens removed.)

It ain't pretty, but it works rather well:


That said, if you have the correct webcam for that adaptor (I did not) then you would probably get better results using it! :)


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Hey guys. I got my adapter and have modded my webcam, all very exciting! I am now trying to set up K3CCDTools and am having some problems.

The tutorial: http://stargazerslounge.com/index.php/topic,3523.0.html is amazing, but am having some problems with a couple of steps.

iii) Now select video source. Under the “image controls” tab uncheck the “full auto” box. Select 10 frames per second. Move the brightness slider well over to the R. Gamma can be left low or off. Saturation half way. If filming the moon select black and white.

Under the “camera control” tab – leave the white balance on auto. Clear the Exposure auto box. Shutter speed 1/25th second and turn the gain up fairly high.

I cannot find the full auto box, and I am unable to move any of the sliders and I also cannot find the exposure auto box? Any ideas?

The version i have is: and have vista.


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I cannot find the full auto box, and I am unable to move any of the sliders and I also cannot find the exposure auto box? Any ideas?

The version i have is: and have vista.


Hi Alex,

Are you talking about the K3 version being This shouldn't make any difference to the camera controls as they're provided by the camera driver.

I'd follow Steve's recommendation and download Wcctrl, it's a great little program that hooks into the camera driver and allows you full control of the camera while K3 is running.

By the way the free (version 1) K3CCD will function just fine with your camera, I used it for about six months and then bought version 3 when I started to tinker with long exposure imaging.


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Ok currently trying this out with jupiter. beautifully clear night.

I cant seem to focus. I turn the adjustment knob but just when i seem to be getting in focus, it wont let me adjust it anymore. At the moment I get a large light, like a very out of focus star.

This is the best i can get without the barlow :)


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Yes. I have come all the way out (can see nothing) and then slowly went all the way in. It starts out as a HUGE out of focus circle with a cross in it, and then slowly comes into focus but then it stops, because i cannot keep focusing towards the telescope :)

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Well no rush on the answer, as I have finished my session prematurely. I had a thought that perhaps i had not attached the webcam adapter tight enough, I subsequently snapped the webcam ccd - and have just cost myself another £27.

Anyone have any idea why I couldnt focus? It has really annoyed me! Grr.

Edit: I was looking aorund the net for an answer to why i cannot focus, and have found this snippet from another forum

"One problem often faced by owners of small reflectors is that the focal point of the optics is inside the focuser, to the point that even with the focus travel right in it is not possible to get a clear image onto the webcam's CCD. You could try determining the focal plane of your 'scope by placing a piece of tracing paper over the end of the focuser and then try to focus an image of the Moon onto that paper by racking the focuser in and out to the maximum travel. If you can't get focus this way then you won't be able to get an image onto the CCD without moving the main mirror up the tube a little."

Is this perhaps what happened to me?

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