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The clouds partially cleared here around just before 10pm so I manged to see a few Persieds heres a list of rough times and direction of travel.

21:49 NNE to SW

23:39 just below Cassiopiea

23:51 NNE to SW

23:58 NNE to SW

12:02 Below Andromeda

12:05 towards the Plough

12:16 towards the Plough

12:22 below Cassiopiea

12:27 NNE to SW

12:41 towards the Plough

12:42 Through Andromeda

13:04 NNE to SW

I managed to catch 3 of them with my DSLR the first image can be found in the widefield imaging section




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Hi Kevin, great report - you're much more organised than me, I just sat there and went "oooh" every so often :hello2:

I saw around 15 between 11pm and 2 am all from the general direction of Persius / Cass except for one sporadic one that went relatively slowly from south to north leaving a nice orange trail.



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The perseids can be great, but they can also be appauling!

This year I saw one.

About 10 - 15 years ago, in an alnight session lasting about 6 - 7 hours I saw over 500.

With meteors it's the luck of the draw!

Nice image Kevin!


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