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Dark sky sites in NE Pennsylvania?


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It's suppose to be a clear sky for most of the night tomorrow night. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on where to go in North East Pennsylvania for good dark skies? Any info will help. Thank you to all and happy new year!

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I will be heading out with my girlfriend. I've got a good one :icon_biggrin:... i have an orion starblast 4.5 and know of some pretty decent spots to go. I was just wondering if anyone had a really dark sky spot! I will be spending most of my time around Orion because from what I saw in the great nebula in orion the other night, it can keep me interested for hours! I'm still reading books and learning how the sky works and how to find things. I will probably be practicing some star hopping as well to get the feel for it on some easier objects. I was very surprised when my girlfriend was impressed with the nebula as well considering she is only into anything to do with science because of me. Thank you for your interest... looking forward to sharing the experience! 


Happy New Year!!! 



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I will be heading out with my girlfriend. I've got a good one :icon_biggrin:... i have an orion starblast 4.5 and know of some pretty decent spots to go. I was just wondering if anyone had a really dark sky spot! I will be spending most of my time around Orion because from what I saw in the great nebula in orion the other night, it can keep me interested for hours! I'm still reading books and learning how the sky works and how to find things. I will probably be practicing some star hopping as well to get the feel for it on some easier objects. I was very surprised when my girlfriend was impressed with the nebula as well considering she is only into anything to do with science because of me. Thank you for your interest... looking forward to sharing the experience! 


Happy New Year!!! 



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Yes, I am definitely  packing those as well!! I just enjoy spending time with her and I no if she's not comfortable it limits my time. Haha I'm limited for now to getting rides or going in my backyard so the fact that she's taking me out there makes me want her to be as comfortable as possible so I have as much time as possible. ? Thank you for your reply! 

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Overall a good night! Still learning so not too interesting but some really cool sights from a new location. Planned on seeing orion nebula and andromeda galaxy and scanning around Orion for a while. Got to the site much earlier then expected and ended up being a little cloudy which turned out to be a plus for viewing the moon which I haven't got to do for many years and only with a cheap department store telescope. Really happy with the clarity of the surface but definitely investing in some sort of moon filter. Any suggestions? Also got to see the phase of Venus tonight which was another first for me. Tried to find andromeda early and for some reason struggled so decided to take a break and hang with the girlfriend in the car for a couple minutes because I've read numerous times to be patient and not to get frustrated! Definitely great advice! Got back out there and let my eyes readjust to view the great orion. A beautiful sight but not as much detail as a week ago. Also was able to find M78 which was very faint but after looking more into it, I was impressed with my 4.5 inch scope considering on my stellarium app it says it's a magnitude of 8. Went back after andromeda and got my bearings much faster this time. Only took a couple minutes to find with using my app and finderscope. Still amazed that we can see something that has been traveling to us for that amount of time. ( Mind Blown ) Just thought I'd share my experience. Making some notes now for the next time I go out to see some more new objects! Best of luck and happy new year to all!!!


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