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Strange difference in price

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Hi everyone.

First of all, this is my first post on Stargazers Lounge, yeey!

Second, I have been looking into buying a starter but decent telescope. My attention was drawn by the Bresser NT-203/1000 at the price of € 819 with mount (EXOS 2 included).

Now I have been reading this forum longer than today and I've seen a link here that Bresser is doing a sale on its telescopes and my eye fell on this one :


The strange thing is that this has a better focal lenght and has the same mount but costs only half of what I had in mind:

NT-203/1000 (I am sorry but I cant put it in English but pretty sure you can compare the specifics).


Am I missing something here or is the 1000 overpriced on that website because I compared it (to my capabilities, I am a beginner so..)


I would appreciate it so much if someone could explain why that price difference is there.

Thanks in advance!



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Not that strange really, it is more difficult to make faster scopes.

The 203/1000 also has a 2" focuser rather than 1.25" and a better finder scope.

It would also appear to be designed for imaging.


I would say that the difference is similar to a SW200P vs a SW200PDS.

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Thanks for the fast responses!

If I take them apart on the website of bresser and only look at the 1000-one and the EXOS 2 it would cost € 746 so that differences you mentioned are probably worth the increase in price.

Since my intentions are also to go for astrophotography, I will probably get the NT-203/1000.

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A 200mm f/5 is preferable to a 200mm f/6, being more observationally versatile; and especially when mounted on a tripod.  The f/5 optical-tube is about 200mm shorter, and would ride upon the EXOS2 with a reduced moment-arm effect.

The € 819 may be for the Exos-2GT version, with a computerised go-to system, but with the Newtonian being an older model, as pictured within their listing, and without the Hexafoc focusser. 

These are the optical-tubes as listed by Bresser separately, with the 200mm f/5 being actually 22 less...



You would need to call them and verify.  The 200mm f/5 is the one to have on an Exos2.  The f/6 is for Dobson mounts.

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16 minutes ago, Pieter said:

Ah I see now. Thanks that clears it up for me!

Great!  Here in the U.S., the Exos2-GT, with go-to, has been sold for quite a while, but an upgraded and more user-friendly version is slated to be released at any time now, on this side of the Atlantic at least...



...an "FL-Exos-2GT", with "FL" standing for "First Light".  Explore Scientific is about to release a series of telescopes here under that moniker.  Explore Scientific, Meade  and Bresser are "in cahoots" with one another, which explains why I'm seeing Meade "AutoStar" go-to controllers on Bresser mounts in your locale.

The gist of all of that is that if you're considering the go-to version of the Exos2, then I'd make inquiries as to the still-mysterious updated version before purchasing.  Of course, you also have the option to simply motorise the Exos2, for tracking only whilst imaging.

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