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Help- PHD grey output image


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Hi all. Im looking if i can get some help with PHD2. I'm trying to stack some images, but the output image is grey (each colour channel has the same info on it almost). I'm running a multi-session stack and adding data from last night. The previous stack I did was perfect with the colour, but this time its gone greyscale (I have tried taking the new data out, its got a little bit of colour but not what it used to have so must be a setting or something), I haven't changed any settings at all since last time when it worked fine. Dose any one have ideas?

I'm adding separate 5 sessions in groups (ignoring the main group) each group with their own flats and bias frames. Each session has between 20 and 30 lights; taken with an OSC DSLR. Here is the autosave output 161222 NGC6960 DSS 02 (na).tif 
I have also done a session tonight so will be adding those as a 6th group once I figure out what has gone wrong.

Thanks for any help any one can give!

161222 NGC6960 DSS 02 (na).tif

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I used to have the same problem with DSS. It used to work and then suddenly it went grey.

I couldn't get any colour when using RAWs from my 600D. I tried TIF, DSG, FIT, nothing worked except JPG. I never got to the bottom of it and gave up with it.

I use Pixinsight now.

Not much help, sorry.


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I assume you are stacking the images in DSS  not PHD2 ?

If so then did you set the intermediate files to be fits or tifs.  Its fairly normal for the autosave output to be grey looking.

If you look at the histogram in DSS can you see the three separate colour channels?


Its very important to prevent DSS doing any auto colour calibration or you can get problems.


Did a very quick post process in PI you have certainly got colour!  and lots of detail !





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2 hours ago, wornish said:

I assume you are stacking the images in DSS  not PHD2 ?

If so then did you set the intermediate files to be fits or tifs.  Its fairly normal for the autosave output to be grey looking.

If you look at the histogram in DSS can you see the three separate colour channels?


Its very important to prevent DSS doing any auto colour calibration or you can get problems.


Did a very quick post process in PI you have certainly got colour!  and lots of detail !





Oops!! yeah I did mean DSS. Silly me!

The files are set to tif, the histogram in DSS has identical peaks. It should be heavy in the blue (due to filter and no white balance) and should have a very broad red peak, but DSS just shows very thin and tall peaks. I don't have colour calibration on.
The image you have is like what i was able to produce from it, but it's nothing like what it should show, it should be more like this: Veil 161128 01.jpg
(this is from my previous session) It shows a lot of different colour. It looks as if I've lost all the red data some how.

5 hours ago, richyrich_one said:

I used to have the same problem with DSS. It used to work and then suddenly it went grey.

I couldn't get any colour when using RAWs from my 600D. I tried TIF, DSG, FIT, nothing worked except JPG. I never got to the bottom of it and gave up with it.

I use Pixinsight now.

Not much help, sorry.


I've had the problem before , it kinda just fixed its self some how after trying a couple of times. I've tried again several times now. its not fixing its self!

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I purposely removed the green because I thought it shouldn't be there so thats my fault.


Here is the histogram of your file using PI .  The red is broad and flat not the same as the Blue and Green.


So something strange is happening.


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I have tried several things, including uninstalling and reinstalling DSS. But get the same results. I've even tried removing all calibration frames. no luck still. I don't have the foggiest of clues why its doing this.

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12 minutes ago, Shiinsuh said:

I have tried several things, including uninstalling and reinstalling DSS. But get the same results. I've even tried removing all calibration frames. no luck still. I don't have the foggiest of clues why its doing this.

OK so I've just removed the calibration frames from every single group, its bring out the colour now. So it would seem I have a bad calibration frame some where.
161222 NGC6960 DSS 01 (edit 01).jpg

161222 NGC6960 DSS 03 (na).tif

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Hi Shiinsuh,

I also have had problem with my cameras and DSS, I have used Canon 350D, 5D and 6D. The red channel goes wrong. If I don't do flatcalibration it's a little bit better. I havn't found what's wrong but it feels that it's something with the red channel offset before flatcalibration.


You can try another free program that I have used a lot, Fitswork. You have much more control with that program of what you are doing. It's a German software and could be little bit difficult in the beginning, you can downlad a file and get the menus in English. I have done a tutorial in English how to install and the first step to start using it.




Hope you find it useful !



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