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Guidecam Disconnects Driving Me Potty


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I have been experiencing problems over the last few sessions whereby PHD2 loses connection to my guidecam (SX Lodestar X2) and everything goes pear shaped as the guiding obviously falls over.

I think it must be a USB issue as the guidecam works fine for periods. I have two USB ports on my obsy laptop. The first USB port has a hub with an all sky cam and a cloudwatcher, both of which are functioning normally. The second USB port has a hub with the mount, a focuser, a QSI and the Lodestar attached. All are functioning normally except for the Lodestar. I have swapped the two hubs over, so plugged them into the other USB port and the problem persists, so I don't think it's the port on the laptop. I have also tried blu-tak to hold the mini-USB connector in place at the Lodestar, but that makes absolutely zero difference, so I don't think it's the Lodestar. The problem is temporarily resolved by unplugging and plugging back in the USB cable for the Lodestar at the hub.

So, my first move is going to be to replace the USB cable from hub to Lodestar. I am also going to replace the hub. It has worked perfectly for the last few years, but perhaps that has just had enough now?

Does anybody have any experience of a similar problem and any suggestions for solutions?

Thank you.

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Hi Gav

When I had my NEQ6 I initially had my mount and guide cam (QHY5iiL) connected to the same powered USB hub (belkin type) and I was frequently getting lost connection to the guide cam.  Once I used a separate powered hub for each, the problems disappeared.

I thought it was related to the current required to power the guide cam affecting the usb data transmission, but I was guessing really.  The Eqdir was the older usb/serial type and I'm not sure if that made a difference.

I now use D-Link powered hubs (two of them) and do not have problems (although now use ethernet to connect to my mount).


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Thank you Barry. I have eventually narrowed the problem down to the guidecam itself. I changed both USB cable and hub, but the disconnects persisted. So I swapped the Lodestar for the ASC120MC-S that I have and sure enough, it all worked with no disconnects for the whole night. The finger was well and truly pointing at the Lodestar! That has gone back to Starlight Xpress to have the USB connector replaced. The problem is that tomorrow night is forecast to be perfect all night, but the ASC is not a great guidecam and failed to lock on to a guide star reliably yesterday evening. So, will the Lodestar be back in time? Unlikely! Argh - what to do to make use of a clear night???!

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Barry, I should have asked - did you have the disconnect problems with your NEQ6 & guidecam combo right from the beginning? My set up has been working fine the way it has always been for about two or more years and just within the last week has started to show the problems.

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