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ICs 59&63 (Ghosts of Cassiopeia) 24/25 Nov 2016


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Hi everyone,

Here is my 2nd LRGB target using my newly acquired QSI583wsg.


I had clear skies for much of 24/25 Nov, but poor transparency with heavy dew forming especially on the longer 25th session. I am presuming that the huge hallo surrounding Gamma Cas, (and less so around the other bright stars) is caused by moisture in the atmosphere, but would be interested to learn others' opinions. I looked at others' images of this target on line and see several other examples with similar (though maybe not so bad) halo problems. I'd also be interest on advice on whether and how to improve the processing to reduce the effect. I tried removing the stars to process the nebula and background separately, but ended up with a worse final image, so I'm not sure if I was on the right track. I gave up on that method and opted for a more straight forward process work flow and accepted the halo as is.

Anyway I hope that you like it.



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1 hour ago, MARS1960 said:

Very nice Geof.

I had the same problem with Alnitak, if you look at my thread horse and flame in getting started with imaging there is a member who posted a couple of links explaining why it happened and one method of addressing it.

Thanks for those links. It looks like I need to get my head around using Pixel Math. I don't use Pixinsight (I keep thinking about jumping that way though), but there is a Pixel Math option in ImagesPlus which is the processing software that I currently use. Maybe something for those raining winter days...

Cheers, Geof

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