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LED tracing panel for narrowband flats?


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I'm soon to carry out a major upgrade of my observatory set up.  This will include a mono CCD camera, narrow band filters and a Celestron C9.25 OTA.  I want to get a large light panel for taking flats, but would very prefer not to end up having to pay >£170 for a specialist flats panel. An A3 'tracing panel' looks like a MUCH cheaper alternative (see link below)

Are there likely to be any issues regarding using this technology with narrowband filters?


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The link doesn't work. :(

Presumably the "tracing panel" does not have an even power spectrum, but even that will probably just affect the exposure times to get the correct average ADU, rather than making the flats not work at all. 

Also, I recently tried using just a luminance flat for all of my LRGB data from a run (16 hours of it), a la @ollypenrice style, and it worked perfectly, even though my filters are not surgically clean. Olly says that he uses his luminance flat to correct narrowband subs too and I cannot think of a reason why it shouldn't work.

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I recently came across this one,


it is not as cheep as


nor does it have same size, but they do state it is "pure" white light :D. Don't know if actual light is full spectrum or composed out of discrete spectral lines (this would be bad for narrow band).

Anyway, it's an option, one which I was considering ...


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I use this one for my 12" ODK, they come in smaller sizes of course... https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ISJG0C2/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It's been very good, the only downsides are that it doesn't really go dim enough for my Moravian camera (with the mechanical shutter I need 8-10 secs minimum exposures), and the intermediate intensity settings are difficult to repeat (outside of the max and min settings) so I tend to always use it on minimum brightness. That's OK for me though, and with LRGB it needs a sheet of paper in front of it anyway.


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59 minutes ago, ChrisLX200 said:

I use this one for my 12" ODK, they come in smaller sizes of course... https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00ISJG0C2/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It's been very good, the only downsides are that it doesn't really go dim enough for my Moravian camera (with the mechanical shutter I need 8-10 secs minimum exposures), and the intermediate intensity settings are difficult to repeat (outside of the max and min settings) so I tend to always use it on minimum brightness. That's OK for me though, and with LRGB it needs a sheet of paper in front of it anyway.


Does it provide good flats with Ha, OIII and SII filters?

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