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What a difference 48 hours makes.


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Well anyone who has picked up on my recent posts here 

and here


I am pleased to say that tonight i had a lovely little back garden session using the intelliscope and every DSO I aimed for fell straight into the eyepiece so thats a massive relief for me there. Also rather pleased with managing to bag 3 planetary nubula (saturn, blinking and blue snowball) which I have never seen before. A little small and fuzzy but there is a lot of LP to deal with. John, I see what you mean about cranking it up, x188 for the planetary nebula, quite impressed.

The car tyres were fixed by a company off the web that came to the house with no call out charge and at a 1/3 less cost than my usual provider, so another thing that could have been so much worse but wasn't. 

Thats all folks, looking forward to SGL12.



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11 hours ago, Floater said:

Steve, if you don't get the downs you won't notice the ups. ?

I added the wrong extra link above, I thought my pushto alignment system had also gone so sunday which is the one I meant to add and I was pretty much really hacked off. Like you say Gordon, downs and ups. Happy bunny here. :happy72:

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