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Cassiopeia Region 29/09/16

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Hi all

The cloud cleared for a little while last night so i thought might as well make the most of it, ( didn't last long )

Anyway thought i would have a little go at trying something in widefield (Cassiopeia )
So i set up my Eq3-2 with RA motor, polar aligned best i could, dug out my Carl Ziess 2.8,50mm lens and plonked it on the Un-modded Canon 600d, set it to 2.8 @ infinity,

The resulting image is,
20 x 60sec light frames ( or was it 21?)
10 dark
16 Bias
run through DSS, had a little mess in photoshop cc but my processing skills are some what lacking at the moment

it's not the best but i'm quite pleased with it,

(Note to self, make sure camera battery is fully charged :happy7:)

thanks for looking, please comment if you so wish,


the image below was just a single 120 sec light to see how it turned out, same camera/lens and mount, there is trailing present but i think i was pushing it a little at 2mins with just RA motor :happy7:



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Very nice widefield image.

If you balance your rig*, fasten all that can be fastened, control backlash, and have a LP filter, you should be able to do 2 - 3 min subs at this fl. I imaged the California nebula last year with an eq3 pro on an aluminium tripod, at 135 mm, and managed 3 - 4 min unguided subs. The dec motor of the eq3 pro is only used for goto, not tracking. An eq3 with just ra motor should be able to track equally well.

* having the mount slightly east heavy improves tracking.


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5 hours ago, wimvb said:

If you balance your rig*, fasten all that can be fastened, control backlash

Hi, thanks for your tips,

my Eq3-2 is currently sat on a Heq5 tripod, but i also have the option of pier mounting it if needed, a little less portable i know :happy7:
a couple of queries for you if you don't mind,

can you get LP filters for camera lens ?
any tips on controling backlash?

best way to make it slightly east heavy?



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7 hours ago, JemC said:

Hi, thanks for your tips,

my Eq3-2 is currently sat on a Heq5 tripod, but i also have the option of pier mounting it if needed, a little less portable i know :happy7:
a couple of queries for you if you don't mind,

can you get LP filters for camera lens ?
any tips on controling backlash?

best way to make it slightly east heavy?



LP filter: you can buy a 2" LP filter (e.g. Baader UHC-S L-booster) together with a filter ring that fits your lens (2" is 48 mm filter size, most camera lenses accept larger filters, e.g. 52 mm)

To control backlash, you need to adjust the grub screws that push the worm gear against the axis

See this thread

To make a mount east heavy, you first balance it as good as you can. Then, if you image towards the east, your counterweight bar will point in that direction. Move the counterweight slightly out/down away from the mount. If you image towards the west, you move the counterweight sligtly in/up toward the mount.

Hope this helps,

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