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M33 Lum

Tiny Small

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Managed to get 2 hours data on M33 last night... which is way less than it needs. I've also got odd shaped stars as the focusing tube is protruding into the light cone. Need to sort that before I get my new mount I think. Anyway:

Lights: 60 x 120s @ -20C

Darks: 100 x 120 @ -120C

Flats: 15

Gain 200




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6 minutes ago, Pompey Monkey said:

I chopped 15mm off of the primary end of my 150 pds to get rid of the funny stars - worked like a charm. It just took some courage to do so! :)

I'm assuming that it doesn't need any other mods... literally just lop off 15mm with a hacksaw, smooth the edge and bung it back in? 

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5 minutes ago, Tiny Small said:

I'm assuming that it doesn't need any other mods... literally just lop off 15mm with a hacksaw, smooth the edge and bung it back in? 

Are you referring to the focuser tube? Several people have done this with great success, but the focuser travel obviously gets reduced by 15 mm

I did the main tube at the primary end. You'll need to drill four small holes in the circumference to put the primary cell screws back in and then re-collimate of course.

The best thing I found for holding the main tube while cutting it was the mount itself. Mark out the 15 mm carefully and take your time. You might need a hand holding the tube to drill the holes.

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I lopped my focus tube of my 130P-DS, but had to add a stop otherwise it would just wind out.

I took the opportunity to turn the knob round as well so the slow-mo is at the front of the scope, not next to the mounting plate.

BTW - do you use liquid nitrogen for cooling?

40 minutes ago, Tiny Small said:

Darks: 100 x 120 @ -120C


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5 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:


BTW - do you use liquid nitrogen for cooling?


Lol. No I meant to type -20 but typed -12. I then went to correct it and it all kind of went to pot from there onwards. Today I am suffering with sausage fingers and a slow thought process.

I'm using an autofocuser so not sure whether or not I'll need a stop. Was it 15mm you took off?

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