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Clavius colour mosaic IMX 224

neil phillips

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At risk of getting boring with another link. Thought it was worth posting this on its own. For folks that may have clicked the links already  I have been showing everyone.

I had some other sections That I have finished. Not quite as sharp as the other process. But a little less noisy. So losing and gaining so to speak.

I also had to process the lot as one image. And the darker lower regions would have been incorrect had I gone much further. Clearly this camera is a real performer on the moon. I can imagine someone wanting a solar camera ( as it has a fan ) that Is interested in planetary and lunar. Never needing more than one camera for everything. It will also do the brighter deepsky objects reasonably well. Talk about a jack of all trades. This Cmos colour chip, really does live up to the hype it has had.

 Believe it or not, seeing really wasn't the greatest. And the whole image was wobbling from side to side. with somekind of thermal disturbance all night. I can tell from this that better can be got out of it for sure. Its just very good seeing in the UK doesn't happen a lot. I suspect winter will bring worse prospects. So it may be summer before very good seeing occurs. Despite all this. I am very happy to be getting such results under less than ideal conditions. I think I am getting my confidence back, after a run of bad seeing last year. Hope some one finds this all interesting

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Clavius sharper overlay.png



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Glad you found it interesting. John. I have really been enjoying doing lunar again.  Thank you for the kind words. More lol. I do have some other sections with this camera to get through. another different mosaic. But it takes ages to process all this. I have always loved this forum. And you guys will be first to share any new images with. Cheers again John.

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