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Widefield - Veil Nebula... almost

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Hi All

Haven't done much widefield but I thought I'd give it a go. I've been meaning to get my 300mm Tamron on the Veil, but I dont have a guiding set up for that, so wondered how it would look with my 50mm Sigma on Canon 550D. Looking at the sensor view on Stellarium I thought it would at least be visible.

But the result is a bit disappointing. I can just make out Gienah and 52 cyg on the eastern veil, the edge of the west veil, and NGC 6940 but it's not very easy. I'm wondering why this should be?

Is it just not doable with this EFL, or is my technique poor?

18 lights 150seconds ISO 800 F3.2 + darks + bias. Flats gave odd result - a separate post for that I think!


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12 hours ago, hobsey said:

I like it, there's a lot going on in that image.

Thanks. Agree there is quite a lot going on... but I'm struggling to work out what it all is!

7 hours ago, wxsatuser said:

Most likely about right.

Here is a comparison, 30 sec subs from a unmodded Canon 6d and a nifty fifty.
The Veil is just there but I'm surprised that the neb around Sadr, in your image is pretty thin for a modded cam.


Mike thats really helpful, thanks, and a lovely picture - very crisp stars. Your nifty fifty is likely better than my Sigma zoom - my star shapes in the corners are horrible! 

Also, we both used 50mm lens, but your camera is full size sensor where mine has 1.6 crop factor, so the image scale is different - that caught me out a bit.

I dont think Sadr is in my image? Isn't it further to the west and slightly south? (as you look at it!)

Could you tell me what ISO and F you used please? I'm surprised at the amount of data for just 30 sec, though shorter exp probably gives tighter stars.

Supposed to be some clear sky later though the moon out til midnight, so I  may have another go centred more on Sadr.

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Mine was just a test to see what Ha the unmodded 6D could see.
Most likely I used iso 1600 and f/2.8, the stars around the edge are not to good on the nifty fifty.

Sadr is the bright star by the Butterfly Nebula, about two thirds the way up on the left in your image.

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OK thanks - I thought the bright one near the middle in yours was Sadr, but now I see thats Deneb - I think!

I agree theres not much neb in mine in that area - no idea why.

Follow on point - not sure if you use Stellarium, but when  I set the sensor frame to match the kit used, it never matches what I capture. The orientation is always wrong. Have you any idea why that might be?

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