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000h 00m 00.0s


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Not my usual dark site site trip. An appointment at work has given me a chance to visit Greenwich. Beautiful clear blue late Summer skies just before sunset on the hill in Greenwich Park. A pale crescent moon skimming low past the dome of the Royal Observatory and a colourful sun dog just above the trees. A lovely scene and a lovely sense of history.

After dark, down by the river, the constellations were out but only just. Just three stars in Ursa Minor. Mizar and Alcor gave a nice naked eye double in averted vision. Marginally better up in the Summer Triangle with Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila all recognisable - except when I made the mistake of actually trying to look at them! Even hints of the dolphin nearby. A remarkable meteor with a malevolent smokey orange wake ploughed slowly through Lyra as if the heavy sky was holding it back. The ochre coloured moon, bloated and distorted, sunk into the horizon. Conversations buzzed in a half dozen languages from the surrounding crowds and the metallic waters of the Thames offered a reflected impression of the neon skyline.

Interesting and memorable, although I'm looking forwards to the crowds at the next session consisting of nothing more than a few New Forest ponies!

Couldn't resist capturing the meridian, which my phone insisted was in the field just outside the observatory gate...



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Beautiful write-up of a very atmospheric scene, Paul. I can't imagine meteors are seen that regularly in central London!

I take a lot of pleasure from living just two hundred yards from the meridian.  Never tire of boring anyone who's with me in the car that we've just gone from the eastern to the western hemisphere.  I suspect it means more to me than them!!


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8 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Beautiful write-up of a very atmospheric scene, Paul. I can't imagine meteors are seen that regularly in central London!

I take a lot of pleasure from living just two hundred yards from the meridian.  Never tire of boring anyone who's with me in the car that we've just gone from the eastern to the western hemisphere.  I suspect it means more to me than them!!


Nice one. Keep working on them until they take an interest I say! It always seems significant to me when crossing e.g the equator or tropic or date line :-)

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I will always treasure my visit to Greenwich. To all reading this: go!

Make sure to check out the equatorial telescope up in the dome. Would love to have that for myself on a clear night.


P.S. I envy your regular company of New Forest ponies. What a lovely application of stardust they are.

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