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Finderscope replacement

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Hi everyone, 

An idiot destroyed the finderscope of my newtonian 150mm. (That would be me) So I ordered what I thought was a standard replacement on ebay (search "Seben 5x24") It arrived just fine but it is much smaller than the original one, and critically, it is absolutely useless : I can see precisely nothing and find nothing, not even the brightest things. 

So I need something decent. The scope has two small screws about 20/22mm apart and this little ebay gadget has the correct foot - I take it I need the same kind of foot ? 

I don't want a right-angle view but a straight one (it seems to me that pointing would be difficult at a right angle to the scope) and no RDF :) I want a plain, straight "miniscope" with crosshair. I was considering something along those line (I like the double braket, seems to me adjusting the alignement would be rather easy) which is a 9*50.

I am concerned as I don't understand how this thing would fit on my two little screws ? And am I right to assume this is a basic lense but 9*50 is much better than 5*24 ? 

If you have any suggestion for a replacement in the £50-£100 range that would fit directly it would be much appreciated.

Thanks !




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Ok, the front lense seems to be 31mm in diameter, so yes it would be a 6x30 I suppose.

Would there be something to gain (light, eye relief, ease of use...) in switching to 9x50 ? And is it realistic to put a adaptor 2screws/dovetail to put another bigger bracket?

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One of these could be what you need, there's loads on ebay you may need to drill two extra small holes in your tube, but once you have one of these on your tube, Skywatcher, Meade, Syntax type finder brackets will fit in the dovetail. 


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That is actually a very good point, I could already do with a second counter-weight (which I have no idea if I could find it, how to set it up and so on), with an extra 700g off-center added load of a finder, that might become awkward. I am still processing it all, not made my mind yet.


EDIT : The telescope is a 150mm * 750mm, reflector, on a german eq.

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