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Difference between HEQ5 Standard Synscan and HEQ5 Pro Synscan


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As the title says what's the difference between these two mounts other than the colour obviously? I have seen an HEQ5 standard with the synscan upgrade that's quite a bit cheaper than the HEQ5 Pro Synscan and wondered if I went for the standard one whether I would be missing out on something the pro offers. Please note that I am talking about the UPGRADED HEQ5 standard mount, not the original version. This has the synscan upgraded motors, control panel etc same as the Pro.

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The only difference between a HEQ5 Pro and an upgraded HEQ5 is the obvious one. All the electronics ie motors, motor control board, switch panel and led to illuminate the polar scope, turn a standard black HEQ5 into a black HEQ5 Pro. Some SGL members have reported that the existing worm drive shafts are too small for the new drive gears so you might have to check these out before converting.

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