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Cepheus , some views.


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What a difficult night. Firstly the clouds lightly floated by before clumping up. Waiting a few hours produced clear skies with clouds to the south. I revisited Cepheus and surrounds. This being packed with favourites. Views of clusters at x50 were packed with star fields.

NGC 7008 showed a small puff of nebulosity, but surprise was in NGC 7380 where nebulosity ran through fine star clouds.
NGC 40 showed up well as slightly elongate .
I had a few Berk and King clusters to look at . I try and observe something new and these didn't disappoint. Berk 94 being packed.
I got up to Draco and the obvious "Cats Eye", lovely sight. Checked out M11 and the "Saturn Nebula" , NGC 7009. No session should be complete without the old favourites such as the double cluster, NGC 752. NGC 1023, M27 and the Cassiopeia binaries. Every now and again a light misty rain appeared , but another lovely night under 
Clear skies !
Nick. image.jpegimage.jpeg

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Very fine sketch of NGC7380.  I've hopped on this one on my way somewhere else and need to dwell on it next time!  I really enjoy these delicate little clusters in a 6" achro :) 

Your determination is to be commended; I've been much too lazy to dodge clouds.  However I did have a nice bins session in the week.

Clear (late) summer skies!

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Afraid I'm a sucker for star clouds , dark lanes and nebulosity in clusters. They add so much for the view, although there are some very fine open ones about at the moment such as Graff's, Pazimino's ,NGC 752 and the gems of Cassiopeia. Good hunting, some clear skies comin up soonish !


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