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no sleep no sun,4-8-16


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had a night with my cat smegul wanting to play all night, so didnt get to sleep untill 5.30am ,woke at 10.30am and missed the sun ,100% cloud now, so downloaded the SOHO image and theres a new pore or two just left of center, you proberly have to zoom in to see them. hope you all have better skys than me, tommorrow looks good for me,i think ill not let smegul get so many naps today.  charl.


mdi_sunspots cu.png

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thanks John, glad you seen something mate, Roger got a image of 2570 in his WL, so its still hanging on, i think tomorrows going to be clear here so might get a chance to use the big frac for a closer look. hope you have clear skys  charl.

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