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size and brightness of Einstein rings


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Is there anywhere a catalogue of Einstein rings listing Their size and magnitude? What are the largest and brightest? I was wondering what Is the smallest scope that could observe Them.

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Do you mean gravitational lenses? There is is catalogue of gravitationally-lensed quasars obtainable at CDS (look for VII/258/table2) but it doesn't list magnitudes or sizes (it lists separations between the lensed components though). Most of these things are exceedingly faint but Einstein's Cross has been observed visually with a very large scope.


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10 minutes ago, Martin Meredith said:

Stu, talk of the devil... ;-)

I've not managed one yet but Nytecam has. A fairly long focal length is needed to capture these tiny blighters.



Thanks Martin, I knew one of you two would have managed it :) 

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