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'Lobster' prom and other features 19th July


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The Sun is performing quite well on this hottest of days. Remarkably the seeing is steady. Creeping round the Eastern limb is a substantial prom I have nicknamed the 'Lobster'. If you get chance to look you will see why. The western limb has a fainter but lengthy conical prom and there are other smaller limb features. The current ARs are very clear and there is a strong filament in the top right quadrant that needs careful pressure tuner adjustment to catch but it is quite dark when you catch it.

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The Sun's throwing out some excellent prominences today isn't it.

I like the Lobster :) I can see the claw. Hopefully the AR that's producing it should be fun to observe too. Fingers crossed... for that and the weather.

The western limb proms you mention Chris are lovely to look at. Very delicate.


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