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Lunar with awful seeing.


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Terrible seeing this evening as evidenced by this, captured with exactly the same workflow as my effort on the 13th from capture to sharpening and everything in between, identical. Apart from a little exposure compensation due to being noticeably brighter. I didn't even bother capturing the three panes that would have completed the image. I may but can't be bothered as it's late :)

There's nowhere near the amount of detail I captured on the 13th and this interested me. Posted for demonstration purposes.


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great shot john, your too hard on yourself, detail with the moon being 1 day off full is harder to find and tonight when its full, crater detail will be non exsistent,. you have nice detail in the SE, but you have over cooked it a little bit. well done charl.

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At or near full the Moon is being illuminated face on and there are very few shadows being cast, so details are not so evident. This is a pretty good image for this phase of the Moon, but as Charl says you have been a bit to aggressive with your processing.

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