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Garry, I found that the longer focal length Televue Plossls worked very well. Depending upon the scope you are using, it's usually a case of keeping the magnification down so the Televue 32mm Plossl is a good start.

Which scope are you using?

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27 minutes ago, garryblueboy said:

Hi Stu I'm using two at presant the WO Zenith star 70 mm and the 130 AA triplet


Nice scopes for it Garry, full disk and close up options. The f7 of the 130mm should have the Quark working at its best, maximum contrast but obviously it's tricky to keep the mag down.

I definitely think a 32mm TV Plossl will work well in both, one of the TV eyeguard extenders works well with eye positioning and reducing reflections. You could try a 40mm too but I expect that you will need two extenders for that. Also bear in mind that the 22mm aperture of the Quark etalon means you won't see the full field of view, but it will keep the magnification down to give better contrast.

On the 70mm, you might consider a 25mm but given that this scope is about getting the wider view, I probably wouldn't bother.

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Yep, the 32mm and 25mm TV plossls are what I use and would recommend. I struggled with my Quark to begin with (and was helped and encouraged by Stu and several other good folks) but I'm now completely at home with it. And love it.

I also use a focal reducer before the Quark with my 102 scope in order to get a full disc. Just to be safe, I put a UV/IR cut filter at the front of everything, i.e. on the diagonal.

p.s Stu's right about the eyeguard extender - it helps with what can be difficult eye placement.

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