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Veil Nebula in Ha


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Thanks Adrian, much appreciated :)   I've had to learn to work with limited data because I rarely manage to get all I want. I do that by ensuring each sub is as near perfect as I can make it - concentrating on focus and tracking mainly. I've also had to become adept in extracting as much information from the limited data as possible whilst optimising noise reduction methods. StarTools really helps here (when you get used to it!). I get really jealous when I see some of the total integration times bandied about on here!


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On 6/24/2016 at 11:03, ChrisLX200 said:

Thanks all! For mosiac, I could have got it in two frames - now it would have to be three :( 

I added 5 more subs last night and there's dpressingly little by way of improvement. Very small increase in s/n and a bit more faint detail resolved. I expected more improvement to be honest, so it will be the OIII next I think - or maybe another target until the Moon has gone is a better idea. I've got quite a backlog of needed OIII subs (and SII) now.

This is crop from the top-right corner(s) showing the difference - and the issue I'm having with distortion at the field edges. This isn't tracking, or camera tilt, or anything like that - simply that the big FOV needs the TV LFC corrector...



Truly great.  I don't understand (naturally) how you get such detail in a crop of a image with a resolution of 2.8 as/p.  It looks like with a bunch more data the tiniest details visible rival images I've seen with much lower resolution (1.0-1.5 as/p).  This is especially true considering there is only 10 subs.  Some say allot of data is required, you prove otherwise.  Its all very confusing.

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I don't know what to say to that. other than 'garbage in, garbage out...'. Look at your raw data and see if the detail is actually in there to start with.

This is a similar sized crop of a single sub, no bias, no darks, no flats, unprocessed other than screen stretch (it's just black otherwise..). It's sharp, all the features are already there and it just needs cleaning up - no clever processing.


One sub_Veil Nebula_1200sec_1x1_HA_frame4.jpg

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