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One more eyepiece?


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I mainly only use my eyepieces and reticle to set up prior to imaging and the occasional planetary / solar viewing.  Of these my favourite is the 32mm, often used with the x2 Barlow and sometimes the 6mm, which are both ultra-wide viewing; the rest are cheapo and not very good.  I am now interested in adding one more decent eyepiece to those listed in my signature below and would any thoughts, I'm not even sure which focal length would be a good addition?

I wear spectacles so good eye relief is important and from my experience with the 32mm, I am a fan of ultra-wide viewing.  Any ideas please?       

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I've just acquired a Explore Scientific 20mm Maxvision 68 degree 1.25" EP, which works very well, and get some great views through my ST120 frac. It has a great twist up action (which is basically the whole upper part of the EP that twists up, so this would be great to set it for the correct height with glasses). Best EP I've bought so far, and am that impressed with it I plan on getting the 2" 40mm version of it later on this year.

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I had the MaxVision 20mm and found the eye relief a touch tight with my glasses. The 24mm 68deg is fine, however. It would essentially replace both the 32mm and the 25mm, giving the same FOV as the 32, with a much darker sky background. Works well in scopes down to F/5. I assume the 6mm Ultra Wide is this planetary EP is this one:


Higher quality, better eye relief but slightly smaller FOV would be a 6mm Radian, if you can find one second-hand. The Vixen LVWs are also worth looking into for good ER and wide views.

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Thanks - I like the look of the MV 20mm but concerned about eye relief?  I already find my 32mm Plossl OK (the MV 24mm seems to duplicate this?) and yes the 6mm is the one mentioned but was thinking of something in between as the 25mm and 10mm are only basic quality.  My main interest is astrophotography but it would be nice to do some more observing & a realise one of the keys to this are the right EPs + magnification isn't everything but I do appreciate a decent FOV.

So I guess there are really two questions then:

  1. What LF would best compliment the 32mm and 6mm I already have? Note -I also have a x2 Barlow and just acquired a x2.5 Powermate.
  2. Which specific EP would fit the bill?
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