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My first Saturn/First Light Meade 10" ACF

Tyson M

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I was fortunate to have clear skies all night at a dark site. It was my second time out by myself with this scope. I am new to SCT's and collimation.


It took me 3 hours to finally dial it in after much frustrations. By that time, only Saturn was worth giving a shot (at 0251am).  My collimation finally looked very good but not perfect- but I think my focus was ultimately off.


I took multiple vids of the same settings to combine in WinJupos but I forgot how to do it because it has been so long.


I have the data available and will take a stab at it, but if the focus is off I dont think it will improve anything. I will try regardless. If anyone wants to as well, just tell me how to send it to you or upload here and I will. That would be great for comparison standards.



Best results with 50% of 6318 frames. AS!2, RS6 (although I found RS6 to do limited work besides autobalance, wavelets were not that kind).





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Congrats on the new scope. I think the main issue is atmospheric refraction, due to the low altitude (which also means seeing is worse). If you do an RGB align in RS6 you should get rid of the refraction effect (visible as the rainbow in the rings). As the Cassini division is visible, focus cannot be too far off.

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I agree with Michael above. Every image coming in from the North of both Mars and Saturn are showing similar effect. But the colours on both our further neighbors have been stunningly beautiful. As is the case with yours!

Thanks for sharing -

Dave - slightly South, probably.

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