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Dew shield make a difference for light pollution?

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Before I bought my dob, I was close to buying a Nexstar 8se...in preparation for that purchase I bought the celestron dew shield. Would using this dew shield on my 8" dob actually help battle light pollution at all?

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I use a home made one, camping foam underlay, its about 18" long at a guess?

It should help to collimate some of the stray light, but not all of it. The longer the tube, the darker the tunnel, up to a limit!

There's no substitute to getting away from man-made lighting and finding a  better dark site.

Flock, shield, cover, hoodies all good, just try them to see if you sense/feel any difference.
I think there's a difference to my eyes, given that my OTA is extended by the dew shield, the scope is inside a tent, so am I, and I cant see the outside world except through the eyepiece. Sounds awkward, but satisfies my need.
Scope alone at a darker site, the difference is stunning.

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