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Giro mini arrived.


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I ordered direct from Tele Optic at the beginning of the week and it arrived this morning (Saturday). GIro mini, two 150mm counterweight bars, postage and swift bank fee cost the same as buying just the mount from a UK supplier! Giovanni was a pleasure to deal with and even posted it before my money had arrived in his account! 

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All I need now is a vixen dovetail clamp. I like the ADM ones - does anyone know which one works with the Giro mounts? Or even have one they don't need any more. :happy11: I have a feeling it is the one that fits the skytee.

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I have an ADM vsad-pl for my Polaris mount. I will have to pop it off and see if it is too big for the mini giro. You might be right about it dwarfing the mini. I do like the security of the double knobs though!

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I totally agree regards piece of mind having double knobs over one but truth is probably 50% of clamps have only a single knob 38% a single knob with security screw and 12% double knobs. My guess is if a single knob wasn't sufficient manufacturers would have no end of come backs from angry astronomers with damaged scopes. Almost all of the threads I have read regarding scopes slipping or dropping from mounts were largely due to human error and even one case I know of where over tightening of the knobs lead to the clamp itself actually failing.

You will find that most of Tele optics clamps are single knob designs or single with a security screw. I think Altar Astro also do similar 6" clamps to ADM and they too are single knobs.

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I have the Ercole Mini. I use this clamp:


Which is this product:


Note that the mounting holes with the correct spacing are drilled for wider screws than the Ercole takes (M6), so you need a couple of washers.

The version by Berlebach, which I also have, is also a perfect fit, and is drilled for M6:


BUT - be aware that the Berlebach clamp requires screws with "tapered" heads (the bottoms of the heads should be tapered), and said heads may also not protrude too far out when affixed, so ideally they should be flat-headed or only slightly round. I found some screws that would work fine at a local hardware shop.

Both of these clamps are fine products and do not "mar" your dovetail. I prefer the version with the two pressure shoes (belt and braces) but the Berlebach version would also work perfectly.


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Thanks for the links. Giovanni sent a number of different bolts with the mount so I think they might be for the different types of clamp available. I can get some modifications to the clamp I have or it might be as quick to buy a new one.

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