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Jupiter 24 May


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Hi All

Just acquired a ZWO ASI120MC and this is first light for it (having played around with a modded xbox webcam prior to that). I have to say the ZWO is far superior - loving it so far! Anyway, the image below was towards the end of the session. roughly 1000 frames at 30fps 640x480. Taken on a Skywatcher 150p with EQ3-2 mount with eyepiece projection (using the supplied 10mm eyepiece). Caputured using SharpCap and processed with Registax and Photoshop Elements.

Plenty that can be improved on (it doesn't help that it was just over the roof of the house so lots of atmospheric disturbance) but I was fairly pleased - particularly with the shadow of Io and the hint of the GRS appearing on the top left. Also intesting to compare it with the timelaspe done around the same time by someone else on this forum.





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