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Mixed results 8th May


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I'd been looking forward to clear skies all day and when they came, I can safely say, I now fully understand about poor observing conditions. 

Starting as always with Jupiter I could not get a great focus though it was nice to see all the moons with just one left close by on its own on one side. I tried taking a few pictures but it was all a bit fuzzy. 

Speaking of fuzzies I could easily find and see with a bit of averted vision the Leo triplet and the whirlpool Galaxy, so all is not lost. 

Mars is poking out over the sheds but was not very good at all at any magnifications. 

While waiting for Saturn to appear I set about bagging a new object to me, M13, the Great Cluster in Hercules. Got it!  

So a mixed bag but happy smile as I go to bed, again. 

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Yes, poor for me too. Jupiter earlier on was not too bad when the GRS was on show, but the Io transit and especially its shadow was a wash out. I think I just briefly spotted the shadow once, the seeing was that unstable. Tried for 35 mins hoping it might improve, but back inside now ready for bed. At least we have the Mercury transit to look forward to. :) 

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